The Final Ultimate Savior
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Join date : 2021-07-05

The Natural Mega Disasters And The End Of Few Nations Will Come Within The Next 12 Months Empty The Natural Mega Disasters And The End Of Few Nations Will Come Within The Next 12 Months

Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:24 am
The Natural Mega Disasters And The End Of Few Nations Will Come Within The Next 12 Months

People too stupid, I am talk about those who are working in all those Government.
They are thinking with time travel machine or rely on any monks/super beings can change the final outcome of life? Too idiots !

If you want to know basic the result of near future, just read the book call “Many Lives Many Times”.
Even those the book only advise and talk about law of karma, law of cause effect and recommend people think bigger before actions, but it gave you ideas of the result will be ugly for some nations/groups.

I am have said many times that I am the real savior Messiah Buddha, but all of you was and are ignoring it ! Not even with a question ask to me !

Do you know why those corona virus NCOV COVID appear from China first but not else where?
Because the end of the Communist Party is near, both China and Vietnam.
They was trying to change their destiny to regain control, but the end result will always be vanish !

There is nothing can stop it coming, the COVID and the collapse of the Communist Party in Vietnam and China will and must occur at the same time.

But a significant event will occur in America continent when there will be many natural disaster occur, especially the super volcano eruption and earthquake.

If you wonder why America but not else where?
Then my answer is that because America people are too “stupid” too ignorance (according to highest stand of living) and can be rebuilt easiest because they have little culture. They will act like an real time example for other nations !

I will only online at best for the next few weeks to few months.
I have given the cure and working solution for this civilization already.

All of you still thinking with the mindset of the Babylon system while I am not !

I am done, I am not waste my time anymore.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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