The Final Ultimate Savior
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What Exactly Is The Ultimate Nirvana Mind State Of Life Empty What Exactly Is The Ultimate Nirvana Mind State Of Life

Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:32 pm
What Exactly Is The Ultimate Nirvana Mind State Of Life

In all religions and scriptures, the ultimate goal of life is reach the Nirvana State.
What only the one who have reached that state able to give you the correct answer.
As the savior Messiah Buddha and fully understand and obtain the Nirvana State, I can give you some information.

Nirvana state is the mind state you will archive after fully know who you are in the Universe, fully know the source of all creations & the source of all life forms.

The road to Nirvana state is not the same for all beings.
But one thing I can tell you that you cannot obtain that legendary Nirvana state by “control, enslave” other beings.

It all about will power, determination and luck.
Luck is a super ability !

If you born in rich family, you should spend your wealth to “study” from others, but you should only learn from beings with big talk and have claimed already archive the Nirvana state like me.

While if you born from poor family, you should spend time to self study all kind of material on the internet. Most of the important information is already shared online and for free.

The biggest mistake people made is try to study the pattern of this unseen spiritual world and do not think carefully before any experiment. Because you are living with both physical + unseen spirit, when you only study/learn about spiritual which mean you already separate your true self.

Another common mistake is people think super power, super ability is the way to go, but sadly that is not since they are just the “practice”.

Understand Nirvana State is like fully understand theory of life, if you do not finish study that theory, then all kind of practices will be useless !

Just some information shared for free.
I do not have duty to share everything I know about life for free because I gain nothing from it.
So do not expect free help from me.

You must live to evolve to ascend with an open mindset, do not stop dream !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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