The Final Ultimate Savior
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Join date : 2021-07-05

The Only Solution To Save This Civilization From Collapse Is My New Additional Financial System Empty The Only Solution To Save This Civilization From Collapse Is My New Additional Financial System

Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:45 pm
The Only Solution To Save This Civilization From Collapse Is My New Additional Financial System

This civilization is collapsing at rapid rate.
If you cannot liberty people mindset, educate them then there is nothing can stop the mega natural catastrophe disaster occur just like many previous one on Earth.

There is only one working solution now is using my new additional financial system Fair Society Contribution Point System (FSCP).

It is going to solve the migration crisis and even undo what was wrong, the climate change, the trade war between nations, educate people about life is not only about money and group, the conflict between West vs East, give people hope and purpose of living, pretty much all major problems on Earth at the moment and the media.

I have presented and shared the frame work of that amazing additional financial system within last 20 days or so.

The Fair Society Contribution Point system is so powerful that can get supported by almost all the people, can easily defeat and compete with the current out of date financial system.

All kind of philosophy or celebrity message/actions are useless, you cannot force people to understand, remember and follow what you know. For the only correct way to educate people is via real life experience.

If you cannot change the system and have big policy have direct education to the public, then you will never able to solve the society problem.

And the greatest force of teaching money-mindset people is using financial currency.
In my vision, once the Fair Society Contribution Point System be introduced to the public, it is going to bring joy to the whole world.

I do not get paid, do not receive tax money, so there is no reason for me to work on useless project never able even come online.

If any national government or big group want to debate, to ask, to understand more about that magical system, they can contact me as soon as possible, but only when I am still online and still using internet and still have desire to save this world.

Do not wait any super deities/beings come to safe you, do not trust any “guru/monk” because they are speculating, cannot give you the real solution and explain it to you like me.

I don’t have deadline but I don’t think I can online till September/October, I have unlocked the whole Bible and done.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Chirst Buddha
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