The Final Ultimate Savior
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Join date : 2021-07-05

A Person, A City Or A Nation Always Going To Vanish When They Do Not Study To Evolve Empty A Person, A City Or A Nation Always Going To Vanish When They Do Not Study To Evolve

Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:10 am
A Person, A City Or A Nation Always Going To Vanish When They Do Not Study To Evolve

If any beings, town, city or nation do not study to evolve in life, they always going to vanish by divine force. That’s rule apply to all kind of beings/entities no matter who you are and how powerful you are.

That’s is the only true real reason can explain how all kind of old civilizations collapsed (many trace, evidence can be found on Earth).
All any other reason such as love, moral, weather, etc are absolutely bullshit and not correct !
So if you are listening and believe in that reason from whoever, you are in fact going to commit suicide for yourself and your nation.

You may wonder what is the lesson and what need to study then evolve in real life.
That question is tricky and tough because each person have their own opinion, idea about life.
But I can give you quick 2 main road: one is unseen knowledge and two is physical touch matter.
Once you able to fully understand and master those things, you are immortal and fully obtain Nirvana State.

The things is there is no information, no textbook can teach you about those things.
You must find on your own because the “needed” result is not the same for all beings.

Here you understand there is “up”, so there must be “down” as well.
If you follow the wrong path, you going to vanish faster, quicker than do nothing to wait for opportunity.

The mystery of life is always impossible to understand.
What is good, what is bad ?!

With the on going worldwide events, this civilization is heading to hell and going to vanish quicker.
Many towns, cities going to vanish to wake up the people.
Do not cry and ask, where is help from god/angel, for you are the one to responsible for your own action.

Weather is the most dangerous weapon and the hidden divine force.
If you do not fully understand it, then you going to vanish too.

As a real savior, all I can do is give the same opportunity to all nation and all people.
A real highest level “God” do not need any other beings to worship or to follow.
A low level “God” need “energy” from others.

I am a real God who fully obtain the Nirvana State, so my actions and my words are always hard to understand with mortal beings.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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