The Final Ultimate Savior
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The Ascension Evolution Path Way Of Everyone Are Always Different Empty The Ascension Evolution Path Way Of Everyone Are Always Different

Wed Jul 21, 2021 3:21 pm
The Ascension Evolution Path Way Of Everyone Are Always Different

Ascension is always fun and interesting, but how many people even know that exist, let alone have true real information about it.

I can give you some rare information for free like this:
A completely ascension evolution is include unseen knowledge of life and real touch physical matter.
But many was and are making mistake, they was trying to “upgrade” only the physical touch matter, thus restrict reduce the chance to obtain the knowledge of life.

The unseen knowledge of life is not about spirituality but it is about a theory of how the Universe, the Earth operation, to feel to know what is the true source of creation, the beginning of all life form.

Once you have done part 1 the unseen knowledge of life, then part 2 will be very easy for it just the implementation process.

Just like most subjects in school, there are always theory and practical.

It sound easy, but the path way of everyone are not the same because their body, their environment, their condition are all unique.

No matter how rich how poor you are, the opportunity to evolve is always the same.
It is just matter of do you know how to “utilize” their “tools” you have or not.
Here mean everything such as wealth, money, time, assets, etc.

But most people make mistakes such as want to keep their wealth and hope free help from others, or choose the physical matter evolution first such as activate super ability like see ghost, fly, telepathy, etc.

Everyone have their own opinion about life, this article is just some ideas from me a being who have completely obtain the Nirvana State of life.

If you want to know more information to help you evolve faster, you must spend time, resources and your own research, otherwise you will always be keep in circle of birth and death.

Ascension Evolution is not easy, especially if you want to reach the highest level of all.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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