The Final Ultimate Savior
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No More Article About Normal Daily Life On Earth Because It Is Too Corrupt Too Dark Empty No More Article About Normal Daily Life On Earth Because It Is Too Corrupt Too Dark

Fri Aug 20, 2021 11:37 am
No More Article About Normal Daily Life On Earth Because It Is Too Corrupt Too Dark

It is such a waste of time to discuss any topic around geopolitics, normal people life on Earth of this era anymore.
People, beings, groups, entities are too corrupt, too stupid, they do not willing to learn new things and not willing to accept the fact of life.

So I will let’s the natural weather forces and the divine beings to do their jobs of destroy the “darkness” beings/groups. For talk more are all meaningless and cannot change anything.

The only event can make life better, brighter, fairer on Earth for all is mega disasters such as flooding, earthquake, volcano eruption, etc.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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