The Final Ultimate Savior
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Join date : 2021-07-05

Make Human God Again Is Just My Non-Sense Dream Project Because They Are Too Stupid Empty Make Human God Again Is Just My Non-Sense Dream Project Because They Are Too Stupid

Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:18 pm
Make Human God Again Is Just My Non-Sense Dream Project Because They Are Too Stupid

Well, I thought if there is at least 1 person have faith in me, I would give free the cheat code of life for the public, so for anyone who lucky will receive and evolve, at least able live to thousands of year.

No anyone showed interested in the “cheat code” of life. So even if I share it for free, then it just such a waste of time !

That is just a pure non-sense project because people are too stupid, too corrupt and more importantly not willing to open their mindset to learn new things of life.

So now, I only wait more about 20 days since the dates I have fully shared the solution for the global economy system between nations. But it could be sooner than that.

No more new article about ascension evolution anymore from me from now since there is no one want to hear about that topic.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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