The Final Ultimate Savior
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The Savior Reveal The New Financial Fair Society Contribution Point System Empty The Savior Reveal The New Financial Fair Society Contribution Point System

Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:00 am
The Savior Reveal The New Financial Fair Society Contribution Point System

In my vision as the savior Messiah Buddha, the safe happy ending solution to defeat the Babylon system like the Bible have said at the revelation end time is the new additional financial system called as Fair Society Contribution Point FSCP.

Today I will give you brief framework and information around the great system.
If the current financial money system is focus on “team/group” socialism, then the FSCP is focus on individual personal capitalism.

The purpose of Fair Society Contribution Point FSCP:
– Educate people of self responsibility, and stop rely too much on others.
– Liberate free people mind set.
– Give people new way of earning income.
– Solve the trade war, national conflict around natural resources.
– The new beginning of new Earth and remove most stupid activities especially around technology, toxic artificial chemicals.

The most important of any financial system is the rule of using, exchange and distribution.
Rule of Distribution:
– Each nation/state will have complete control over the amount of new note.
– No any beings/group have right to overwrite the distribution rule to give anyone advantage.
– All people are equal and will have the same opportunity to earn the new note either with fixed or flexible amount.
– Original nations will only allowed to send new note to original people group such as White people in Europe, Yellow in Asia, Black in Africa. The immigration nations allow born in that nation only, not allow immigration to receive.
– There could be official observers from other nations for this process to make sure everything is fair.

Rule of Using:
– Only personal/individual have the rights to own and use it. All kind of company/corporation are forbidden.
– The default activities are forbidden all, list of allowed activities will be update gradually and carefully to make sure the most fair non-Babylon trade between the people.
The start will be from organic fruits, vegetables to personal art, draw, etc.
– All form of loan, borrow are not support and allowed, your must take your own responsibility.
– People can only gift the new note to others if they are from the same family.
– The FSCP note only exist in form of physical paper, not digital.

Rule of Exchange:
– People can exchange the new note FSCP for the money only via official Government exchange at fixed rate via day/week or month depend on each nation.
All the amount of FSCP note the Government receive will be recycle and give back the society.
– All kind of exchange between person vs person are not allowed.
– You cannot spend the money to receive FSCP.
– Some nations will only accept the FSCP for physical travel in the future.

Rule of Transparency:
– The total amount of FSCP note in the market will be public and update every day/week/month depend on each nation.

How to earn the Fair Society Contribution Point FSCP?
– When you reach certain age.
– Earn through fair public competition (where the reward is base on total amount of competitors and speculators).
– Via FSCP allowed trade activity.
If you do not work physical or have luck ability, then there is no way you can earn the FSCP note. All kind of “control/manage” others are useless in this system.

Rule of Punishment:
– Depend on each nation but if anyone violate the rules, first time could be warning and lost all amount of FSCP, second time could be lost amount of money wealth (the current Babylon system), third time is lost everything except their house.

That is pretty the framework of the new financial system which can easily defeat the Babylon system.

This is the “gift back” society from me, I do not get paid to do the job of any leaders so I do not waste time, energy to dig deeper the system and others.
Of course I can design the whole system to match with each nation culture and situtation as well but I do not receive any from doing that.

I will offline soon, the hidden duty is done. This world is just a sand in the Universe, there are many other worlds of the Universe.

If any entities/groups/beings want to use my solution and knowledge, you guys must receive my special permission, otherwise troubles will come to your life.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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