The Final Ultimate Savior
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The Failure Of Globalism Group & Many Secret Intelligence Agencies Are Killing The People Empty The Failure Of Globalism Group & Many Secret Intelligence Agencies Are Killing The People

Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:06 am
The Failure Of Globalism Group & Many Secret Intelligence Agencies Are Killing The People

They are living and working like animals without creative, but with only a limited narrow mindset.
The future is unlimited but they only think the future is only one direction like prophecy this that.
Even in all kind of prophecies, they were written based on the author vision and knowledge, wisdom (here most many thousand years old beings)

But those stupid globalism group and many secret intelligence agencies only use their limited 100 year old mindset and think it is the way to go.
They are expecting there is be a super being going come to “recruit” them as long as they obey the gods/deities. How freaking stupid and idiots they are !

The closest things to the secret of life is sound, languages, words, but they are denying that fact.
They want more “prove”, more “evidence” from above.
Or to phrase it, they want super power, super abilities over secret knowledge & wisdom.
They are completely forgot ancient teaching.

No matter what they are lying to the people via the media. The only thing they cannot hide is natural catastrophe mega disasters which is are happening worldwide from Germany, Belgium to Canada, USA to Russia, China, etc.

Ancient teaching already said the weather reflect people life and people mind.

The problem is not about their narrow mindset, but they are too stupid and are living like animal.
The most basic lesson of their job is check, verify and test.
But they have all refused to verify and test a being self claim as the savior Messiah Buddha.

All kind of globalism group and secret intelligence agencies such as CIA, Mossad, MI6, etc. are going to disband post the virus pandemic for sure !

If you are normal people, normal civilian, go to save your life by yourself, stop rely on your government or any group.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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