The Final Ultimate Savior
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Join date : 2021-07-05

The New Japan Reiwa Era Is So Secret Special Powerful, Beyond Mortal People Can Comprehend Empty The New Japan Reiwa Era Is So Secret Special Powerful, Beyond Mortal People Can Comprehend

Thu Jul 29, 2021 4:00 am
The New Japan Reiwa Era Is So Secret Special Powerful, Beyond Mortal People Can Comprehend

The most power “gods/deities” who are directly give order and contact with the top people/families group are the one who is living in Japan and in charge of Japan.

The real reason and beginning of the current virus pandemic NCOV COVID is all because of the New Japan Reiwa Era 令和.

You need to remember that the Japan is the only dynasty who have about 2700 years from long ago till today and still going.
The Japanese always used Chinese literature words for their Era symbol name since the beginning.
And it is extremely rare for any Emperor to resign before his death.

But as you already known, all of sudden the Japan made a move never seen before in history.
New Emperor (who even do not have son) and the Era name 令和 come from Japanese literature.
It has very deep meaning, so special and very powerful symbol and word, beyond those mortal beings can fully comprehend.

It is the directly order and command from the most public powerful Gods to all other smaller level gods and nations with the meaning of no more physical weapon war and invade to other nation land, you guys must retreat. If you guys want to play and fight then let’s fight with me/us, whatever weapons you guys have from bomb to nuclear weapons, I/We don’t give a fuk and will easily destroy them like a plastic toy.

It is also has secret message to all nations & other small gods/deities that is the real savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha is already fully awake and is the one can help you guys to better life with more purpose of living. The savior has every solution for all of your trouble, so no more stupid physical weapon war.

You can say it is the 7th seals of the Bible already broken if you will.

What next after that order and command, many nations and entities had some responses for their own survival.
– The new corona virus NCOV COVID pandemic event, but not really dangerous.
– The retreat of the USA military from the Middle East.
– The in-nation chaos of the Myanmar.

Bascially, most of them are just the response to keep the regime, survival of some gods/deities and group/nation, but not “violate” the order of the boss.

If you want to know whether the virus pandemic is real of not, just look how the Japan is doing and response: no forcing people to wear mask or lock down or vaccine, all are volunteer and life keep going like normal. If the COVID is really dangerous, there is no freaking way for any nation with 100 millions people can live normally like that.

I have said many times that I am the real savior, you guys need to speak up and ask, then I will give you the answer/solution you are looking for.
I have moral of the Nirvana State beings and fully respect every other beings life, that is why all kind of “spying” like look up other beings history/actions I chose not to do.
You guys cannot treat me like other low level gods/deities who only know to draw energy from others.

My patience is coming an end, the final opportunity for you to receive direct help is here and will expire shortly the next month.

Whether you guys can treat the information of this post like a joke or real, I do not care.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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