The Final Ultimate Savior
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Life Evolution Is A Hidden Duty For Every Beings To Know, To Remember The Source Of Life Empty Life Evolution Is A Hidden Duty For Every Beings To Know, To Remember The Source Of Life

Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:12 am
Life Evolution Is A Hidden Duty For Every Beings To Know, To Remember The Source Of Life

All beings come from the same source of life.
The hidden duty and the ultimate purpose of life is seeking, finding, to know, to remember where they was come from, the source of all energy, the source of all life form.

But few people/beings able to to even know that because the level of all beings are not the same, the living environment and even the conditions of their body are always difference since they were born.

First, you need to understand the history of this civilization from stone age, so you can understand what exactly going on in life.
Then you will find out that the current living conditions is mostly designed for the “stupid” people.

Secondly, you must get out of that world and have as little connection as possible.
But in order to do that you must find motivation because that’s where the will power come from.

And finally, you must use their brain to study, to analyze life via various learning material from ancient time till today. The ultimate purpose is always to understand the source of life form, the mystery void, then you will easily unlock and activate all kind of human super power, super ability.

All beings will walk on that same framework of life, whether intentional or unintentional.
The successful beings will stay alive and live forever, while the rest will always vanished at some point in the future by divine forces for their wrong actions.

Each people have their own level of knowledge about life and have their own point of view.
The stupid people will laugh at me because they do not understand what I am talking about, while the smarter people will listen to me and trying, testing out my advice.

Even though I have not shared all the knowledge of life I have known to the public, because I do not see any real “demand” of that. But many information I have shared for the last over 3 years or so is very direct tips/tutorial and enough for most people to evolve, to have a better life.

The law of karma is similar to the law of supply and demand in the business.
I do not receive the “karma” from you, so I cannot “send” any karma to the source of life and send back you “sacred information”.

Do not waiting and expect any beings able to “prove” they are immortality and will tell/teach you about that or whatever you demand, because your level is too low to understand is, you cannot “verify” immortality unless you raise to that level !
Even the chance of hearing any beings able to teach/tell/lead you to the Nirvana state of life is super rare, probably less than 1 in ten of thousand years (0.0000000….1%).

In conclusion, the only way for you to evolve and live forever is willing to learn, to open your mindset to study new things about life, the learning materials you can use is always depend on the level of your own characters. But if you only blind following other or joining any group, then you will never ever able to reach the Nirvana state of life.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Chirst Buddha
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