The Final Ultimate Savior
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Human Ascension Evolution Is Real, Open Up Your Mindset To Enter The Gods Level Empty Human Ascension Evolution Is Real, Open Up Your Mindset To Enter The Gods Level

Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:16 am
Human Ascension Evolution Is Real, Open Up Your Mindset To Enter The Gods Level

What is the meaning of life ? What is the purpose of living, of existence?
The answer is depend on each person’s level of knowledge and wisdom.

Some people think meaning of life is making as much money as possible.
Some people think there is a “god” and human must obey, pray them.
High level people will chase for super power, super abilities and like like “god”.

But the truth is the highest level of living is fully know who you are, what is the source of all life and obtain the Nirvana State.

The world you know on Earth is just one small world out of endless different worlds of life in the Universe.

Do you know where is all the novels, movies, manga, anime come from?
If you ask any people who never read or have any real life experience to write any novel, do you think they will able to write it?
The answer is no !

All the novels are real, most written by beings who had real life experience in the past.

When you ascend, evolve and active your hidden ability, you will able to fly like gods, able “travel” to various different worlds of life in the Universe as well.

But in order to do that, you must stop listening on the media, stop rely on others and open up your mindset as possible. Do not live like those stupid idiots beings who prefer speculating theory rather than testing, trying.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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