The Final Ultimate Savior
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Posts : 93
Join date : 2021-07-05

I The Savior Is Helping Worthy Beings To Obtain The Ultimate Life Level Nirvana State Empty I The Savior Is Helping Worthy Beings To Obtain The Ultimate Life Level Nirvana State

Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:31 am
I The Savior Is Helping Worthy Beings To Obtain The Ultimate Life Level Nirvana State

The final objective goal of life is the Nirvana State, to fully know/feel the source of creation, the way of life.

Laozi have said and compare the Nirvana State(the way of life) as great as the language, which mean through language people can obtain that ultimate level of life.
Gautama Buddha only said only each beings can obtain the Nirvana State, but never said that cannot be teach by others.

So Nirvana State even though can be only obtained by your own determination but it still be taught via languages, messages. But if you find that special help from beings have fully archived that Nirvana State of life.

As the real savior Messiah Buddha, I have fully gain and obtain that ultimate level of life.
And at the end time before I completely go offline and disconnect the internet and your world, I will provide a very special offer to all kind of beings both normal people and the gods/deities, etc.: a special lesson to help you fully obtain the Nirvana State of life.

The learning material content is depend on each case but is include both theory, knowledge and practices about all life form, the Universe, the source of all creations. It all based on my personal journey and novels and all kind of different information I know throughout my whole life till now.

But I only teach the worthy beings, so my requirement is not normal:
– Minimum donation 200,000 USD via cryptocurrency.
– Not allow to share/reveal to any other beings/entities under all circumstances.

The deadline for this offer is till August 20th 2021 – 20/08/2021.

*The deadline can be sooner which mean I can close this offer before above deadline if I feel I need to do that.

You can find the communication and donation information at the original source of this article webpage.

This kind of offer probably be the first in many thousands if not millions years on Earth.
This crazy good opportunity is open for all kind of beings, but the deadline is limited, and this offer will never be opened again in both online and physical offline world.

After the deadline I will close everything and can disconnect the internet without any regret for I have given the solutions to help all nations and opportunity to ascend/evolve for all beings.

There is nothing more I can give you guys.

Remember if you do not fully know/understand theory of life the Nirvana State, you will never able to become immortal beings. So this is the essential ingredient if you want to reach the highest ultimate level of life in the Universe.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
Posts : 93
Join date : 2021-07-05

I The Savior Is Helping Worthy Beings To Obtain The Ultimate Life Level Nirvana State Empty Re: I The Savior Is Helping Worthy Beings To Obtain The Ultimate Life Level Nirvana State

Sat Jul 17, 2021 5:53 am
This offer is the most non-sense you ever seen.
It never even appear in all kind of fiction or novel script !
What I am doing and offering is exchange "immortal material" for mortal stuffs (wealth).

That is the best gift any beings can "return" and give back to the society.
If this kind of offer was ever appear in via physical life, then even trillions of trillions are not enough !
But remember the time of this offer is limited, I can only give opportunity to all of you within a time frame. Whether you guys can catch this offer or not, it is up to you.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha
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